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Upon successful completion of Part ll, you will receive your NGH Hypnosis Certification, and qualify for membership in the National Guild of Hypnosis, the largest and most prestigious national organization in this field.

  • How to conduct your first session with a client

  • Behavioral assessment - goal setting - reinforcement

  • Image psychology and hypnosis

  • How to conduct session two, three and four etc. with a client

  • Designing and teaching a self-hypnosis course

  • The use and benefits of ideomotor response

  • Age regression therapy

  • Regression exploration

  • Advanced hypnosis techniques

  • Apprehension / Worry reduction

  • Discomfort control

  • Performance enhancement techniques

  • Effective marketing and business strategies including eMarketing

  • Learn how to talk to physicians so they respect you and your work

  • Legal considerations

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